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Costa del Sol (and SUR in English journalist) featured in CNN documentary

During the July of 2021, I had the pleasure of participating in an episode of CNN’s travel documentary Quest’s World of Wonder. British journalist and CNN anchor man Richard Quest had chosen Málaga to record an episode of his popular travel series, which began airing on CNN this weekend (21 August). My few days assisting Richard Quest was a most pleasurable experience: his sense of humour and his genuine interest in the province made this one of the highlights of my summer. 

I first met up with Richard and his crew in Mijas, where we enjoyed breakfast in La Boveda de Flamenco, a traditional style bar that proved to be the perfect back drop for this part of the programme. While the cameras rolled and an ever-increasing group of spectators converged on the opposite side of the street, we discussed the Costa del Sol and tourism, the expat community and, of course, flamenco. 

My involvement also included taking him to see an authentic flamenco performance, and arranging some dance lessons at a local flamenco academy, during which, the characteristic presenter attempted to understand the essence of the buleria.

Watch the full programme here:


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